Thursday, 9 January 2014


all students must submit their certificates xerox copies to the respected class teachers by tomorrow that is 10/1/2014 like paper presentations, sports,internships,projects presentation on

melay and moore

8.4 Moore and Mealy Machine Design Procedure

There are two basic ways to organize a clocked sequential network:
  • Moore machine: The outputs depend only on the present state. See the block diagram in Figure 8.23. A combinational logic block maps the inputs and the current state into the necessary flip-flop inputs to store the appropriate next state. The outputs are computed by a combinational logic block whose only inputs are the flip-flops' state outputs. The outputs change synchronously with the state transition and the clock edge. The finite state machines you have seen so far are all Moore machines.

  • Mealy machine: The outputs depend on the present state and the present value of the inputs.

    See Figure 8.24. The outputs can change immediately after a change at the inputs, independent of the clock. A Mealy machine constructed in this fashion has asynchronous -outputs.
Moore outputs are synchronous with the clock, only changing with state transitions. Mealy outputs are asynchronous and can change in response to any changes in the inputs, independent of the clock. This gives Moore machines an advantage in terms of disciplined timing methodology. However, there is a synchronous variation of the Mealy machine, which we describe later.

3-2 syllabus book for ece

vhdl basics

vhdl pro